Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Blood transfusion forms the crux of life-saving methods in dire situations. With free-flowing global information-sharing on ‘ABCs’ of life, we are now aware of presence of genetic diseases that render a patient dependent on outside blood for lifetime. Blood transfusion is one of the most precisely conducted medical procedures due to the ifs and buts involved in it.

A detailed analysis of medical history and body type of patient is conducted to prevent the possible blood transfusion side effects. With multi-layered blood storage methods and better understanding of human body, blood transfusion as a technique has advanced by several decades. In exceptional cases, one or more complications from sourcing blood from outside may happen, because how a person’s immunity will respond to the donor’s blood cannot be predicted with precision.

There are scientific various ways to make this medical procedure more safe and reliable.

To start with, thorough examination of the patient is must including his medical history, whether he is allergic to some drug, his body type and many other things that enable a doctor to prepare in advance for the apt course to be followed in treatment of a particular case. Secondly, the kinship of the patient’s blood with the sourced blood should be analyzed to the minutest of detail. For this, there are a number of tests that establish if the recipient blood with react favorably or unfavorably to the donor’s blood.

After the blood has been administered, minute issues like itching, headache may develop in a few cases. However, these can be toned down significantly via administration of immune-suppression medications. These medicines work for a brief period, over which the body gets sufficient time to accept the donor’s blood without producing any side effects. During this interval, the patient is kept under strict observation.

With all said and done, human body remains a mystery. The more we understand it, the more we understand that there’s much left to grasped about its internal working. The medical science goes to lengths to ensure the safety of medical procedures, but to exactly estimate how the body will react to outside blood is difficult. Fortunately enough, the ongoing information exchange and meticulous experimentation implies that the blood transfusion reactions take place in rarest of rare cases.


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