Life is a miss or match with factors beyond our control. Our success in measured by our precision in aligning ourselves with the present circumstances. When things go off-balance, we sway knowingly or unknowingly in search of extraction. A meticulously integrated household with working parents and school-going children has the wife at its pivot. She has to persevere 24/7 to fit the bill; the breakfast is cooked on time, the children are sent away to school in high-spirits, the floor is mopped, the dishes are wiped clean. Most importantly, she does not want any love between her and her husband to remain unrequited. She aspires to be perfect but in practical sense perfection is an illusion rather than a reality.
We are always moving from imperfection to perfection, but even after that perfection is attained yet another perfection remains to be achieved. Nothing is perfect at any given point of time, things are always moving towards betterment. If the mind of married woman coerces her to believe that she is not up to the mark with strong jibes, she shouldn’t take these negative vibes emanating from within seriously. When women undervalue their contribution to the smooth running of the household and blame themselves, anxiety becomes inevitable. How this anxiety manifests and what’s the best possible way to pluck it off from the mind?
If you are getting into the over-complaining mode, like showing the stick to children at the slightest of non-obedience and finding minor faults in everything, it’s time to slow down and take stock of the situation. This nagging attitude preludes the development of anxiety attack symptoms in responsibilities-ridden women and understanding it at its onset, will keep the mind safe from becoming a house of horrors.
The nature of human mind is such that even if we are doing our utmost best, after some time, the utmost best is projected as the utmost worst. So, what’s the way out for a woman to drop this over-complaining mode?
After all a family is a family and the onus to keep the household well lubricated is as much on the husband, as it is on wife. She can share the daily errands, like cooking meals, washing clothes, buying vegetables, attending to the children’s homework, etc, with her better half. After all, marriage is a harmonious clubbing of love, responsibility, dreams and an entire lifetime. A sense of mutual understanding is a pre-requisite to decrease the workload on either of the partners and make life a stream of bliss. If a woman feels overburdened with responsibilities, she should talk with her partner to find a feasible solution for the problem.
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